Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Chapters 41 and 42 [134-141]

Pi cant take dangling from the boat and decides to get in. He considers that the tiger has him beat in all of his senses. But with the elements of the storm going on he could try sneaking in the boat. The rain would affect his sense of smell, the wind would affect his hearing, and the night would affect his vision. it took all of his strength to clim into the boat, but once he got inside he relised there was no tiger. Instead there was a hyenna. there was also a zebra that jumped into the boat as the ship was sinking. The zebra was in critical condition with his right rear leg broken, bone showing through skin. The two animals were so scared that they didn't even notice each other.
It took me along time to figure out that this life boat is huge. To fit a full grown bengal tiger in it, a hyenna, and a zebra, as well as a boy? for a long time I was imagining something the size of a pontoon. but no, this was a BIG life boat!

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