Thursday, May 26, 2011

End of the Year reflection

Now that a whole semester has gone by, the only thing I can really say is that I read a few books in the spring of 2011. Maybe I will change habits and learn to like reading later in life, but for now I still dispise reading, and would rather not do it. When I read Mitch Album's "For One More Day", I was really into it and read the whole thing in less than 2 days. I can say I honestly enjoyed reading it, but it was a one and done thing almost for me. I don't know if it was that I got distracted too easily, or if I never made time for reading, but I know for sure that I didn't meet the quota for pages read. I am able to read for school, that's not to hard for me, but when I'm asked,"What type of book do you think you'd like to read?" I wouldn't know what I wanted to read.
I can say I didn't really like the reading and the blogging (especially the blogging aspect) of the class. Vocab was helpful, as well as SAT prep stuff, but the reading wasn't my favorite, by far.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Poem List

Stages of life: Birth, Youth, Marriage, Having a Kid, Growing Old, and Death

1. Birth: Babies [Alice Fulton]

2. Youth: Young Forever [Jay-Z, Mr. Hudson] {Video}

3. Marriage: Marriage [Lawrence Raab]

4. Having a Kid: A Poet to His Baby Son [James Weldon Johnson]

5. Growing Old: Growing Old [Matthiew Arnold]

6. Death: If See No End In Is [Frank Bidart]

Sunday, May 8, 2011

life of pi, chapters 63-74 [239-264]

In these chapters Pi does an aboundance of things like trying to navigate (or atleast try and figures where he is with the stars), goes fishing with different sorts of lengths of lines, and hunting turtles. The most exciting event that was occured in these chapters was Pi trying to set territories with Richard Parker (The Tiger). He does thing like shaking the boat trying to get him sea sick, blowing his whistle as loud as he can, and jumping up and down trying to intimidate him. These things did work for a while, but never really showed him who was Number 1. with all of the turtle shells pi gathered, he'd run up to the tiger and try scaring him that way, but with one swipe the tiger would knock pi straight off the boat. Pi would try this 3 more times and have the same result. it wasn't until the 5th time, when he would blow his whistle, shake the boat, and then charge Richard Parker and show him who was boss. In Pi's words that was all it took to show him who was incharge. Now when the tiger aproches pi all he has to do is blow the whistle and the tiger retreats back into his territory all balled up and head curled.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Life of Pi... Again Chapers 59-63 [213-239]

These next few chapters are kinda boring, nothing really exciting happens. Pi does some fishing with leather shoe strings. Near the end of these chapters he catches a big 4 foot fish of some sort (dorado), but struggles to kill it being a long time vegitarian, but this being his only means of survival, he has to do it. but before this he had better luck with the school of flying fish that jump in the boat and hit him. But before that he does a couple other things like carves an oar and makes a mast for the boat, tries to make a shelter, and figures out a way to get fresh water by some way of evaporation. Oh and it has been a whole week since his boat first sunk. I guess why it was so hard for me to catch on to it was because it has been a LONG time since i quit reading this book, but i need to start reading and blogging again.